Monday, January 4, 2010


Saturday was a serendipitous day.

Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for."

First off, my writer friend, Keris, mentioned in her blog that last year she focused on 'abundance' with some good results. That reminded me that I already knew this, but I needed to start applying it to my own life if I'm ever to escape this financial inertia.

Secondly, another writer friend, Jacqui, in a comment to Debs Riccio's blog, mentioned The Adventurer's Club ( and I had to check it out. If you're a big fan of The Secret, this site is worth checking out.

Lastly, yet another writer friend, Avis, casually mentioned to me about the Fast First Draft group on the Write Words website. It's similar to NaNoWriMo. For those of you unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo it's short for National Novel Writing Month which takes place every November and you attempt to write a book (about 50,000 words) by the end of the month, without editing it as you go along. I managed 37k with everything going on. But I did complete it in 2008. Anyways, apparently they've started a similar group on WW which I must check out if I'm going to keep my resolution of writing 500 words a day.

I don't believe in coincidence, to me there is no such thing. A coincidence is merely a sign from the Universe. On Saturday, the universe sent me a lot of information that I needed, but wasn't necessarily looking for.

Already, 2010 feels so much better.

Whether she liked it or not, books always appeared when she needed them.

Sarah Allen


  1. Serendipity...I just love that word!! and one that I "forget" to use every now and again when something appears for me that I wasn't "consciously" looking for, but yet my subconscious KNOWS I need!! The Universe is a wonderous & knowing entity that allows each and every one of us to bring into fruition that which we seek, both negative & positive!! I, for one...along with my dear friend, Michele, am seeking ALL POSITIVE for this New Year & always!! Keep writing Michele...I can't wait to see you in Barnes & Noble on the "Best Seller List"!! Love ya!! :)

  2. Thanks for the mention Michele, keep writing, and all the best for 2010.

  3. Serendipity is a lot of people's favourite word and as Paula mentioned, one we often forget appears in our life regularly.
    I'm going to try to offer (and hopefully receive) abundance this year. Alas, so far I only have an abundance of mince pies that I've poured washing up liquid over to stop me eating them. But the idea's good eh? Fx

  4. I love that idea! I just got rid of a whole tin of cut out cookies! If only to remove the temptation. Besides, I am so sick of looking at Christmas cookies. Decorations are coming down today as well.
