Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's All Relative

Today, I thought about how women worry about their weight and some obsess about it- namely myself. After my boys, I worry most about my weight.

I began to wonder if men obsess about their weight and I mean really obsess about it. I highly doubt it. Men are pretty simple, straightforward creatures and I mean that as a compliment. Women tend to analyze things too much. We think way too much for our own good sometimes. We look for every nuance, angle and hidden meaning in any given situation. And then we like to keep going over and over it in our heads. It's what I like to call being a dead horse beater.

For example, try to picture a man saying any of the following:

Does this make my butt look big?'

'I hate my arms.'

'I'm a chocoholic.'

'Even my fat pants don't fit.'

'I just hate myself for eating that!'

It's only lunch and I've already eaten my points for the day.'

'I'll take my glasses off when I weigh myself.'

'I feel so bloated.'

'My hormones are all out of whack.'

'There's no way I'm putting on a bathing suit.'

'I'm going back to Weight Watchers.'

'Oh try these, they only have 1 point.'

And if they are worrying about their weight, what do they do? Switch to lite beer and head to the gym. Simple.

1 comment:

  1. It does seem so doesn't it? My man has for the first time in his fifty years had to try and lose some weight. He decided on new years day having seen some video fotage and has since lost most of the weight he needs to. WHY? Becasue he'd totally focussed and approached it in that way not like me. I'm a diet dabbler me...WHat I'd give to have a man's attitude sometimes?
