Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Hamster and I

Whenever I think what animal I might be -and not that I do this often so no need to worry and call the men in white suits with nets- I always imagined I was closer kin to say, maybe, dolphins or swans. Either I'm a fantasist or a nutter, but I'm clearly deluded.

As it turns out, I'm much closer to the hamster than I previously thought. I never gave hamsters a second glance much less a second thought, but since getting one as a pet almost a month ago, well I'm a little more knowledgeable about those furry little guys.

Here's what I've observed and read about hamsters that relate directly to me:

1) They're hoarders. Hamsters like to bury and hide their food all over the place in their cage. I do the same thing with the Galaxy chocolate bars. The boys know that this is the 'emergency' chocolate but they don't know where I hide it. Because, hey, you never know when there is going to be an emergency.

2) Our hamster has doubled his size since we brought him home from the pet store. Same thing happens to me: I just look at food and I blow up.

3) Hamsters like to burrow. Our little guy buries himself under shavings and white nesting until is bed is about 4 inches high in the cage. I do the same thing. My bed isn't perfect until I have so many blankets layered on that I can barely move.

4)Hamsters don't like you disturbing their home. Me neither. I know my room looks a mess, but I know where everything is. I don't like others nosing around in my things. I can tell the hamster feels the same way. He has everything just so and then I come along and clean out his cage. I can sense his displeasure and I sympathize.

5)Hamsters are nocturnal. I am not a morning person and now I have a pet who isn't either. Well into the middle of the night, I'll be up and the hamster is on his wheel. We are both quite content this way.

Like the hamster, I've learned that when things get to be too much, it's a good idea to burrow in for a little nap with an emergency hoard nearby.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like all you need is one of those wheels and a book and you'll be good to go!
