Friday, May 14, 2010

Week 3- Unislim-

I made myself accountable and went to my Unislim meeting last night, despite the fact that I had a crappy week. It turned out to be a no gain, no loss week. I'm the same as last week. Still 16 pounds gone and a renewed sense of commitment. On Wednesday, I dusted myself off, stood up and got back on track. 2 days later, I'm still on track.

Last week, I took 2 leisurely walks but if I walked any slower, I would have been going backwards. This week, I decided to incorporate some 'exercise' into my routine. Now I use that word loosely in a way in which a 300 pound woman can. I managed (euphemism) to go for a brisk 15 minute walk 3 times this week. By the end of it, I was practically gasping but I was still upright, so it was a victory of sorts- even if I did need a respiratory treatment.

For the next week, I will be concentrating on eating healthy, walking (some more) and most of all, being kind to myself and others.

Stay tuned.


  1. I'll be right with you, Michele, I've always fancied a vigorous stroll around Ireland with somebody lovely x

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